For my PhD, I studied under the
supervision of Tarmo
Uustalu at the Institute of
Cybernetics of the Tallinn
University of Technology (TUT) where I studied constructive type theory in languages like Agda and Coq.
After that, I did my postdoctoral research with Aaron Stump at
the Computational Logic
Center of the University of
Iowa where I studied impredicative type theory in Cedille language.
Then I joined R&D department
of GuardTime
where I was using EasyCrypt to derive security
of novel cryptographic constructions (digital signatures,
commitment schemes, zero-knowledge systems).
Then I held a researcher position at the Matter Labs where
we were developing Rust DSL for correct-by-construction ZK-circuits;
proving correctness of the low-level implementation of PLONK system in
EasyCrypt; and modelling system behaviour (e.g., consensus, rollups) in tools
like TLA+ and Alloy.
I currently hold a researcher position at the
Department of Software Science and a formal methods engineer position at IOG.
My Curriculum Vitae (last updated Sep. 2024).
Email: | denis.firsov at taltech ee |
Office: | CYB-404 |
Address: | Akadeemia tee 21B, 12618, Tallinn, Estonia |
03/02/25—07/02/25 | EasyCrypt Retreat, Porto, Portugal. Talk: Verification of ZKPs. |
30/01/25—30/01/25 | Annual Seminar at Taltech, Tallinn, Estonia. Talk: Leakage-Free Probabilistic Jasmin Programs. |
19/01/25—25/01/25 | Certified Programs and Proofs, Denver, CO, USA. Talk: Leakage-Free Probabilistic Jasmin Programs. |
11/01/25—11/01/25 | World Logic Day, Tallinn, Estonia. |
25/11/24—30/11/24 | Agda Implementors' Meeting XXXIX, Gothenburg, Sweden. |
21/10/24—23/10/24 | Formal Verification of ZKP, Zurich, Switzerland. |
22/05/24—24/05/24 | ZKProof 6, Berlin, Germany. Talk by Ben Livshits: The Ouroboros of ZK talk |
23/02/24—03/03/24 | ETHDenver, Denver, USA. Talk: How do we use formal methods to harden ZK-rollups slides d/Infra Summit |
10/04/24—11/04/24 | ZKSummit 11, Athens, Greece. |
20/11/23—24/11/23 | Matter Labs offsite, Istanbul, Turkey. |
09/07/23—13/07/23 | 36th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Talk: Zero-Knowledge in EasyCrypt. slides |
30/03/23—01/04/23 | High-Assurance Crypto Software (HACS) meeting, Tokyo, Japan. |
27/02/23—10/03/23 | Workshop at Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland. Talk: EasyCrypt for working cryptographer. |
09/11/22—14/12/22 | Seminars at IOHK, Online. Talk: EasyCrypt for working cryptographer. slides |
27/09/22—30/09/22 | The 19th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, Tbilisi, Georgia. Talk by Ekaterina Zhuchko: Unsatisfiability of Comparison-Based Non-Malleability for Commitments. slides |
17/01/22—19/01/22 | The
11th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs
and Proofs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Talk: Reflection, Rewinding, and Coin-Toss in EasyCrypt. slides |
04/11/21—06/11/21 | 32nd Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, NWPT 2021, Hybrid Conference. Talk by Ekaterina Zhuchko: Formal Analysis of Comparison-Based Non-Malleability for Commitments. extended abstract, slides |
09/09/21—11/09/21 | Logic and Semantics Group Outing Days. Talk: Probabilistic Reflection in EasyCrypt. |
21/06/21—24/06/21 | 34th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, Virtual Conference. Talk: Verified Multiple-Time Signature Scheme from One-Time Signatures and Timestamping. |
10/06/21 | Computer Science Theory
Seminar at TUT, Tallinn, Estonia. Talk: Verified Multiple-Time Signature Scheme from One-Time Signatures and Timestamping. |
23/02/19—24/02/19 | EUTypes meeting, Krakow, Poland. Talk: Efficient Mendler-Style Lambda-Encodings in Cedille. slides |
07/02/19—09/02/19 | DLT Notary Workshop, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. |
23/09/18—29/09/18 | 23rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, St. Louis, Missouri, United States. |
06/07/18—14/07/18 | 9th International Conference on Interactive Theorem
Proving, Oxford, UK. Talk: Efficient Mendler-Style Lambda-Encodings in Cedille. slides |
5/07/18 | Theory Lunch at TUT
Software Lab, Tallinn, Estonia. Talk: Generic Zero-Cost Reuse for Dependent Types. |
19/02/18—24/02/18 | Visiting
the Reykjavik University, Reykjavik,
Iceland. Talk: Generic Derivation of Induction for Impredicative Encodings in Cedille. |
07/01/18—13/01/18 | The
7th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs
and Proofs, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Talk: Generic Derivation of Induction for Impredicative Encodings in Cedille. |
22/09/16—23/09/16 | XX
Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Maringá,
Brazil. Talk: Purely functional incremental computing. |
21/08/16—25/08/16 | 15th
Estonian Summer School on Computer and Systems Science,
Nelijärve, Estonia. Talk: Purely functional incremental computing. |
26/06/16—02/07/16 | Second International Summer School on Behavioural Types, Limassol, Cyprus. |
01/04/16—09/04/16 | Sixth
Workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming
(+ ETAPS), Eindhoven, Holland. Talk: Variations on Noetherianness. |
28/02/16—04/03/16 | 21st Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, Palmse, Estonia. |
29/01/16—31/01/16 | Theory Days at Käo, Käo, Estonia. Talk: Noetherian sets. |
13/11/15—15/11/15 | Estonian-Finnish logic meeting, Rakvere, Estonia. Talk: Dependently typed programming with finite sets. |
21/10/15—23/10/15 | 27th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory,
Reykjavik, Iceland. Talk: Acyclic attribute evaluation in dependently typed setting, extended abstract |
02/10/15—04/10/15 | Theory Days at Jõeküla, Jõeküla, Estonia. |
18/09/15—20/09/15 | Coinduction project working meeting,
Sääritsa, Estonia. Talk: Incremental Stable Sorting in Haskell. |
30/08/15—05/09/15 | 11th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming (+ ICFP 2015),
Vancouver, Canada. Talk: Dependently typed programming with finite sets. |
13/07/15—22/07/15 | Understanding Complexity and concurrency through topology of data, Camerino, Italy. |
06/07/15—10/07/15 | Summer School on Generic and Effectful Programming, Oxford, UK. |
01/03/15—06/03/15 | 20th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, Palmse, Estonia. |
06/02/15—08/02/15 | Theory
Days, Rogosi, Estonia. Talk: Functional incremental computing. |
13/01/15—14/01/15 | The
4th ACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Certified Programs and
Proofs, Mumbai, India. Talk: Certified normalization of context-free grammars. |
05/12/14—06/12/14 | 8th
Annual Conference of the National Doctoral School in
Information and Communication Technologies, Rakvere,
Estonia. Talk: Functional incremental computing. |
10/11/14—11/11/14 | Coinduction project working meeting, Pillapalu, Estonia. |
02/10/14—05/10/14 | Joint Estonian-Latvian Theory Days at Ratnieki, Ratnieki, Latvia. |
21/09/14—23/09/14 | Coinduction Meeting, Kata, Estonia. |
16/05/14—18/05/14 | Theory Days, Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia. |
20/04/14—27/04/14 | Midlands Graduate School, Nottingham, UK. |
02/03/14—07/03/14 | 19th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, Palmse, Estonia. |
25/10/13—27/10/13 | Theory Days, Saka, Estonia. Talk: Formalizing attribute grammars and circularity checking. |
17/10/13—18/10/13 | Rich Model Toolkit—Final COST Action Meeting, Madrid, Spain. Talk: Certified attribute grammar validation. |
08/07/13—20/07/13 | Domain specific languages summer school 2013, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. |
08/04/13—12/04/13 | Midlands Graduate School 2013, Leicester, England. |
03/03/13—08/03/13 | 18th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, Palmse, Estonia. |
01/02/13—03/02/13 | Theory Days, Otepää, Estonia. Talk: Certified normalization of context-free grammars. |
20/01/13—21/01/13 | Workshop on Synthesis, Verification and Analysis of Rich Models, Rome, Italy. Talk: Certified normalization of context-free grammars and CYK parsing. |
31/10/12—02/11/12 | 24th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, Bergen, Norway. Talk: Certified CYK parsing of context-free languages. |
03/10/12—09/10/12 | The XVI edition of the Agda Implementors’ Meeting: Theory and implementation, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
27/09/12—30/09/12 | Joint Estonian-Latvian Theory Days at Medzābaki, Lilaste, Latvia. Talk: Certified parsing of contex-free grammars. |
19/08/12—23/07/12 | 11th Estonian Summer School on Computer Science, Jäneda, Estonia. |
16/07/12—28/07/12 | Oregon Programming Languages Summer School, Oregon, USA. |
26/02/12—02/03/12 | 17th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, Palmse, Estonia. Talk: Certified parsing of regular languages. |
27/01/12—29/01/12 | Theory Days, Kubija, Estonia. Talk: Certified parsing. |
07/10/11—09/10/11 | Theory Days, Tõrve, Estonia. |